Sunday, January 18, 2009

We Are Steadily Approaching Our Goal!

We have raised over $1200.....

Thank you to everyone who is supporting this event!  Please help keep the momentum for this event.  Spread the word about this fundraising event.  Most importantly spread the word about the video that discusses the different kinds of HSV research ongoing today.  It is important to actively support the scientific community.

HSV has been around for many, many years.  The public health system has been negligent in preventing the spread of HSV.  HSV is not life-threatening.  However, it has reached epidemic proportions and the numbers will continue to rise.  Doctors do not include HSV testing in your standard STD exams.  Unless they see a lesion, you will not be tested for HSV.  The public is not aware of asymptomatic shedding and without symptoms the virus continues to spread - silently.  So, if you think that you are being responsible by asking your doctor to test for everything - think again.  Ask for specific tests and tell your doctor to show you the written results.  The public health system and doctors have a responsibility to help you be responsible.......


  1. Regarding your point that HSV is not part of a standard STD exam, I would like to see an article created emphasizing this along with other basic HSV knowledge. The purpose of this article would be submission in college newspapers- likely by members of the HSV community. Does something like this already exist?

  2. Mischief: I doubt that an article like that exists. It would help the public to know that the healthcare system neglects to inform patients that they do not test for HSV. We could create a public announcement article for that specific purpose. I like that idea.

    Thank you for your comment.
